Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 29 (John Warner On Failure)

I was doing some a.m. search and rescue for something I could share as the next-to-last blog of the month, unless I get inspired and overcome this morning's fatigue, and I found John Warner writing "On the Possibilities of Failure" at Inside Higher Ed. In a world where finishing second is often counted as such, you'd think this would be a 20,000-part essay, but in fact, he manages to make some good points in one piece of reasonable length. I've always found failure to be a positively inexhaustible topic, indeed the only topic of great literature or at least a primary topic of my literature, so it took me only a second to decide to share it with you.

Now, if I could only get this hyperlink function to work.

1 comment:

Vanessa Vaile said...

looks like you will make your April blogging goal (or perhaps gaol) with posts to spare.

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