Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rabbit's China, Gorbachev, Tiananmen Square . . .

"The nightly news has a lot of China on it—Gorbachev visiting, students protesting in Tiananmen Square, but not protesting Gorbachev, in fact they like him, all the world likes him, despite that funny mark on his head shaped like Japan. What the Chinese students seem to want is freedom, they want to be like Americans, but they look like Americans already, in blue jeans and T-shirts. Meanwhile in America itself the news is that not only President George Bush but Mrs. Bush the First Lady take showers with their dog Millie, and if that's all the Chinese want we should be able to give it to them, or something close, though it makes [Rabbit] miss Reagan slightly, at least he was dignified, and had that dream distance; the powerful thing about him as President is that you never knew how much he knew, nothing or everything, he was like God that way, you had to do a lot of it yourself."

~~ from Rabbit at Rest by John Updike

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