Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Ann Arbor rescue operation

Prolific talent Cady Vishniac came upon a used copy of Fight for Your Long Day and was kind enough to post the evidence on social media.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

V.S. Naipaul, Rest In Peace

Nobel-prize-winning novelist V.S. Naipaul passed through this life not without a "controversial" remark or two. A Bend in the River is the only novel of his I finished, but I did fancy teaching it when I first transitioned from teaching introduction to literature over ten weeks to contemporary literature (after 1945) for traditional fifteen-week semesters. Alas, it never did make it onto the syllabus.

Thursday, August 2, 2018


"Tell that stupid Arnold Bennet[t] that all his rules about plot only apply to novels that are copies of other novels."

~~ from Antwerp by Roberto Bolano

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Book Reviews for Fight for Your Long Day

Genealogies of Modernity " Fight for Your Long Loud Laughs " by Jeffrey Wald at Genealogies of Modernity (January 2022) The Chron...