Monday, February 27, 2017

The novel of social satire is alive and well, and funny. . .

This review written by "Jack Of Most Trades" disappeared from America's Amazon site, but is still visible at the one in France.

"Way beneath the top one percent lurk the fast food workers, the home attendants, the custodial staff, and this underclass (the working poor) has been the subject of a plethora of sociological studies and case studies. But how about so-called "educated" members of that class. That's where Alex Kudera’s novel Auggie’s Revenge fills the void. It is a witty, satiric story about one hapless adjunct who joins forces with three other members of mainstream society’s fringe in an attempt to exact revenge on their downtrodden status. Vittinger joins up with Auggie, who waxes ineloquent about pick-up techniques, a small-time hood named Johnny November, and a young, but savvy student of Vittinger’s, Melody.

"But among the four, it is Vittinger who is doubly screwed by society: not simply financially but in terms of values. Vittinger, a philosophy adjunct, reflects on the value of knowing about Heidegger and Kant in a corporate-run universe, and his conclusion is that there pretty much is no value. If you think a well-executed mix of Kafka’s Amerika, Vonnegut, Joseph Heller, and Robert Reich could result in a socially relevant, comic, and propitious novel, you’re right. Kudera’s language as channeled by Vittinger expertly slides between the discourse of academia and the slang of the street like the glissandos of a master violinist. This is refreshing satire. . ."

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