Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Momentary Pause In Our Programming

USK is not on vacation or in bed with swine flu although both forms of hiatus are considered infectious and well respected; rather, it is papergrading season among the minor leaguers of academia, all of us destined to peruse the texts created in the freshman comps and sophomore lits of our undergraduate world. We will return with a vengeance soon, whereupon we will recommit to propagating our global conspiracy to keep literature alive!

Yes, we will be burning novels into the flesh, tattooing the classics onto the blob that is belly, even as we buffer books with high heat into all of the table tops and living-room furniture in the land.

Do you spy an empty wall in your neighborhood??? Well, keep it legal, but you catch my drift... apologies to the more genuinely revolutionary writers among us.

This message has been brought to you by a grant from our readers. Thank you.

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