Tuesday, July 30, 2024

hanging on a ledge

"Editorially I can't push the magazine to the left because Harris is a shrewd opportunistic bastard who won't permit it. However, if we load the magazine with Bolshevik writers of national reputation, we can have Harris hanging on a ledge before long."

Friday, July 26, 2024

inversely correlated

"I began to use this metric as another informal [literary] quality litmus test: how big an entourage [the novelist] turned up with was often inversely correlated with the [quality of her book]. [One author] always had a large team in tow. Not only that, we knew about her visits weeks ahead of time, because her security detail sent a team of bomb-sniffing dogs well ahead of each one."

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Twenty great, good, or at least not bad novels I've read that were published in the 21st century

(1) The Sellout by Paul Beatty
(2) Heaven by Mieko Kawakami 
(3) Convenience Store Woman by Sayata Murata
(4) Zone by Mathias Enard 
(5) Inside Story: A novel by Martin Amis 
(6) 2666 by Roberto Bolano
(7) Outline by Rachel Cusk
(8) Wake up, Sir! by Jonathan Ames
(9) Afterlives by Abdulrazak Gurnah
(10) The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
(11) The Netanyahus by Joshua Cohen
(12) Netherland by Joseph O'Neill 
(13) The Lay of the Land by Richard Ford 
(14) The Lazarus Project by Aleksandar Hemon
(15) The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka
(16) Open City by Teju Cole
(17) Home Land by Sam Lipsyte
(18) The Cry of the Sloth by Sam Savage
(19) Nanjing Requiem by Ha Jin
(20) The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears by Dinaw Mengestu

Saturday, July 13, 2024

All [Mike Schmidt] had to do

"All [Mike Schmidt] had to do," [Rabbit] explains to Benny, "to earn another half million was to stay on the roster until August fifteenth. And he began the season like a ball of fire, two home runs the first two games, coming off that rotator-cuff surgery. But, like Schmidt himself said, it got to the point where he'd tell his body to do something and it wouldn't do it. He knew what he had to do and couldn't do it, and he faced the fact and you got to give him credit. In this day and age, he put honor over money."

~~ from Rabbit at Rest by John Updike

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Pep Boys

"It took some time, and some considerable cajoling on my part, but thanks to a few generous donors from the greater Philadelphia area (owners of a prominent wig-making factory and three local Jewish men in the automotive industry collectively known as "The Pep Boys"), I was able to offer Ben a one-year fellowship which he accepted."

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Book Reviews for Fight for Your Long Day

Genealogies of Modernity " Fight for Your Long Loud Laughs " by Jeffrey Wald at Genealogies of Modernity (January 2022) The Chron...