Monday, November 30, 2020

eyes, nose, and mouth

 "I feel that discussing story-writing in terms of plot, character, and theme is like trying to describe the expression of a face by saying where the eyes, nose, and mouth are."

~~ from "Writing Short Stories" by Flannery O'Connor 

    *as quoted in "The Infallible Continuum" by James P. Blaylock, 

     Poets & Writers, Nov/Dec 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

New Poets

"Tracey held the apple aloft. 'We know that it’s the nature of all objects to fall through space. I understand that. I accept it. But one day, in this universe of endless universes, I believe there’s going to be something that doesn’t fall. That doesn’t have to fall. I have to believe that.' She gripped her prop by its stem, and we all looked on, soundlessly, breathlessly, as she let it go. We half expected, half desired, half required with half the fibers in our bodies that the apple would float there once she released it. We watched like children, we idiots. It fell to the floor with a soft crunch as its flesh compacted under the force of its plummet."

~~ from "New Poets" by Michael Deagler

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Man Without Talent

"We are, in other words, enamored with The Man Without Talent as one of the premier examples of the "I-novel" (shishosetsu) in comics form, referring to a genre of putatively autobiographical fiction, popular in Japan since the early twentieth century, that typically dwells on the writer/protagonist's struggles with poverty and artistic creation and their less-than-admirable interactions with the opposite sex."

~~ from "Where is Yoshiharu Tsuge" by Ryan Holmberg, 

       an essay included in the English translation of 

       Yoshiharu Tsuge's The Man Without Talent

Saturday, November 7, 2020


Auggie's Revenge is currently available at a strong discount as a new trade paperback from you-know-who, and both Auggie's Revenge and the Classroom Edition of Fight for Your Long Day remain available wherever books are sold by independent bookstores.

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Book Reviews for Fight for Your Long Day

Genealogies of Modernity " Fight for Your Long Loud Laughs " by Jeffrey Wald at Genealogies of Modernity (January 2022) The Chron...